Why Edibles?

In 2020, medical edible sales grew by 60% and are now the most popular cannabis products in seven states in the US.*

Kizmet, produced by Saddleback Chocolates, is unmatched in quality, and our marijuana-infused chocolates allow customers to find joy and better health in living their best lives.

Manufactured by Saddleback Chocolates, we stay true by employing rigorous scientific testing and infusing quality distillate with the finest ingredients to produce the best products.

Great way to consume cannabis…free of smoke and lasting odors.

  • Consistency

    Our scientific infusion formulations will make sure you receive the same effect, dosage and taste.

  • Finest Way to Indulge

    Our smooth, creamy and velvety chocolate offers the consumer a decadent experience while enjoying the medicinal benefits of THC.